Customer Work Events

In the Navigation menu, selecting Customers opens the All Customers page to review customer records.

Search box: Type any customer name (or partial) and click Search to find a customer record.

Each customer is listed in a grid with a quick-access clickable dashboard of five key Work Event statuses and the current number of Work Events in each status.

View Work Events: These links below each [Customer Name] link to all Work Events for the respective customer.

  1. Select Filters: Click this bar to open the slider menu, choose parameters, then click Apply to display the specific Work Events of interest.
  2. Select Bulk Action: Click the checkbox in one or more Work Events and then select an action from the drop-down menu to apply that action to the selected Work Events.
    1. Publish Work Events: : Change the status from Draft to Published so that they are ready for routing to assign a Service Provider.
    2. Assign/Re-assign Work Events to Service Provider: One method to route (assign) a Work Event.  [see different routing methods starting with Bulk Routing to Service Provider]
    3. Assign Work Events to Service Provider Team: Another method used to route (assign) a Work Event.  [see different routing methods starting with Bulk Routing to Service Provider Teams]
    4. Send to WorkMarket: Sends the selected Work Events to the WorkMarket marketplace.  [see Routing to WorkMarket]
    5. Delete Work Events: Deletes the selected Work Events.  [see Bulk Delete Multiple Work Events]
    6. Invoiced: (Works for Accounts Receivable users only) Sets the Invoiced flag on the selected Work Events to Yes.
    7. Invoice Not Required: (Works for Accounts Receivable users only) Sets the Invoiced flag on the selected Work Events to Not Required.  This is usually for warranty work, no-charge revisits, or no-charge pilot programs.
    8. Approve payment for selected Work Events: Approves payment to the third-party Service Providers assigned to the selected Work Events.   This is usually after the Service Provider has completed the job, checked out, uploaded all deliverables, and the Project Manager has reviewed and approved.