If your account is setup as a Service Provider Company, follow these seven steps to manage a Work Event invitation from your customer.

  1. Receive notification of Invitation
    [See Invitations]

  2. Accept or Decline the Invitation
    [See Manage Invitations]

  3. If accepted, assign to a Service Provider (technician)
    [See Routing to Service Provider]

  4. The day prior, verify SP is ‘good to go’ – check box
    [See Routing to Service Provider, step 6]

  5. Manage the execution
    1. SP - check-in, check out [or HQ user override] (if not set as optional)
      [See Steps to Perform an Assignment]
    2. SP - upload deliverables
      [See Steps to Perform an Assignment]
    3. SP - set work as complete
      [See Steps to Perform an Assignment]

  6. Complete closing survey (two questions)
    [See Verifying (closing) a Work Event]

  7. Verify
    [See Verifying (closing) a Work Event]