User Profile

Users may access their profile by clicking their name or avatar/photo in the upper left which will display the Profile tab where they may manage the following:

  1. User Details
    1. First name
    2. Last name
    3. Time zone
    4. Preferred distance metric (miles or kilometers)
    5. Preferred date format (MM/DD or DD/MM)
    6. Preferred time format (12 or 24 hour)
    7. Office phone number
    8. Mobile phone number
    9. Role (defined by your Admin when your account is setup – editable by your Admin)
    10. Profile picture (add, remove, or change your photo/avatar)
  2. Password change
  3. Service Provider Company Subscriptions.  If your ServiceDemand tenant has Service Provider Company integrations activated, you may streamline/reduce notifications you receive to ONLY notifications regarding companies selected here.