Certain ServiceDemand subscriptions allow subscribers to invite third-party companies to the platform to serve as a Service Provider Company to the subscriber.  These companies will receive Work Event invitations and elect to accept or decline the invitation.  Follow these steps to manually route a Work Event to a Service Provider Company:

  1. Ensure the Work Event status is Published.  If it is at a status of Published, proceed to step 3.  If it is at a status of Prospective, you are missing one or both of the following fields that must be populated:
    1. Service Date and Time
    2. Service Location

Once the Work Event has these three fields populated, it will automatically promote to a status of Draft.

  1. The Draft Work Event must be promoted to a status of Published to be eligible for assignment to a Service Provider.  
    1. Click the Publish Work Event button in the right side of the Info bar at the top of the Details tab.  
    2. Click Yes, Publish in the Confirmation pop-up window.  
    3. The Work Event will promote to a status of Published.
  2. Click the Assign to Company tab (note the tabs along the top center).  Service Provider Companies are displayed alphabetically.
  3. Use the Filters in the right column to find a Service Provider Company by name.

A screenshot of a social media post

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  1. Guidance data presented by Company are:
    1. [Note A] Shows the skillset you set as required for this assignment that the Service Provider Company must comply with.
    2. [Note B] Routing geo data:
      1. Available Providers: This is the number of Service Providers registered at the Company that meet the Work Event requirements including any required Skillset in the Work Event
      2. Closest Distance: The distance from the Service Location of the closest available and qualified Service Provider at the Company
      3. Data reflects qualified candidates within 100 miles of the Service Location
  2. Click the green ASSIGN button to invite the Service Provider Company to the Work Event

[PRO TIP] You may ASSIGN (invite) any Service Provider Company you choose regardless of the guidance data provided

  1. The status will change to Assigned with a sub-status of Pending Invitation. This means the invitation to the Work Event has been sent to the Service Provider Company and they have not yet accepted it.
    A screenshot of a social media post

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  1. You may retract the invitation at any time by clicking the red Un-ASSIGN button
  2. If the Service Provider Company rejects the invitation, the status will change to Published with a sub-status of Invitation Rejected.  You are now required to reroute the Work Event to another suitable Service Provider Company (repeat assignment starting at step 3).
  3. If the Service Provider Company accepts the invitation, the status will remain Assigned and the sub-status will change to Invitation Accepted.
  4. Approximately 24 hours before the Service Date/Time, you are required to verify with the Service Provider Company that they are ready to go.  The verification may be via any means (phone, email, text) but when verified, click the check-box in the Work Event header, Details tab, titled [SP Company name] has been contacted 24-hours before the start of this Work Event, and everything is ready to go.  If this box is not checked, a sub-status of Provider Not Contacted will display.
  5. The Service Provider Company will assign the Work Event to a Service Provider.  When the Service Provider checks-in to the assignment, the status will change to In Progress.
  6. When the Service Provider Company’s assigned Service Provider completes the work, the Service Provider Company will review the Work Event, complete the End of Work Survey, and Verify the Work Event.  This fully completes and closes the Work Event.