In the Navigation area, select Customers >> [Customer Name for which the Project will apply] >> Projects.  If the customer record does not exist, you must first create it. [see Creating a Customer]

Click the Add Project button at the bottom right of the page and begin entering data into the following fields:

  1. Project Name 
    1. Global project template: (Optional) If you have created a Global Project Template, you may select it here to clone it into this Customer Record and Project for use.  [see Global Project Templates]
    2. Name: If a Global Project Template was selected, you may use or edit the prefilled name, otherwise enter a name for the Project that accurately defines it for reference by all ServiceDemand users at your company.  
  2. Project Details
    1. Oracle Project Number: (Optional) ERP system Project # assigned.
    2. Team: IMPORTANT – No user will be able to view or work with this Project unless they are in the Team selected here.
      Select the Team that will be responsible for managing the lifecycle of this Project. The team consists of Project Managers, Project Coordinators, Project Originators, and more.
      If the Team has not been created yet, you may leave this blank BUT if you do you MUST refer to the steps in the Assigning a Team to a Project section to assign this project to the appropriate team before trying to create a Template.
    3. Is virtual location: Check this box if all Work Events created in this Project will be at a virtual location.  For example, this could be an online training seminar where attendees are required to check-in to log their presence/time but do not have to be at any specific physical location.
  3. Routing
    1. Target marketplace: (Optional) Select the intended marketplace that will handle most of the work in this Project.
    2. Routing group: (Optional) If a Routing Group has been created for this project, select it here.  [see Routing Groups]
    3. Auto Routing enabled: (Optional) If this Project has a Routing Group and the Work Events will be set to auto-route to Service Providers, check this box.  [see Routing Groups and Creating a Work Event]
  4. Notifications: Select the email notifications desired for this project and enter the email addresses, separated by a space, for the intended recipients.   These may be internal or external [customer] email addresses and may be edited later as desired. [see Notifications for an example]
  5. Pre-Flight Checklist: This custom checklist is designed for each Project and is used to track completion of important steps or actions deemed necessary prior to the Work Event service date.   
    1. Enter the desired task in the form and click the + Add button.
      [PRO TIP] The entries are not editable once created in the Project so if a change is desired, delete that line and re-add as necessary.
  6. When complete, click the Create Project button to finish.  The Project is now listed in the Customer record.